The Eugene-Springfield Safe Routes to School regional team is a partnership between Eugene School District 4J, Bethel School District and Springfield Public Schools, with regional support from Lane Council of Governments. We work to create safe, easy, and fun ways for kids to walk, bike, skate, scoot, bus or carpool to school.
Lead a Walking School Bus, help with a Walk + Roll to School event or Bike Rodeo, teach kinders to ride bikes, or support a bike safety community ride! There are so many ways to get involved!
The Mission of Safe Routes to School:
Our mission is to serve a diverse community of parents, students, and organizations advocating for and promoting the use of active and shared transportation to and from schools throughout the Eugene Springfield area. To accomplish our mission, we use the 6 E's of Safe Routes to School:
Ensuring resources benefit all demographic groups regionally, with special attention to historically underserved populations.
Listening to students, families, teachers, school leaders. Working with existing community organizations and building intentional, ongoing engagement opportunities into the program structure.
Partnering with road authorities and our home school districts to improve the built environment to support safety for students and pedestrians.
Learn to Ride classes in the schools and community; Bike and Pedestrian Safety education in schools; and additional education for the community.
Motivating children to use active and shared transportation for their school commute. Activities include Walking School Buses and Walk + Roll to School Day/Challenge.
Data collection and planning to gauge the effectiveness of our programs and work towards a better future.