Ruby Bridges
Walk to School Day
November 14th
In 1954 the US Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Brown v. the Board of Education ended racial segregation in public schools. However, southern states continued to resist. Ruby spent kindergarten in a segregated classroom. In 1960 a federal court ordered Louisiana schools to desegregate. The school district created an entrance exam to see if African American students could handle being in an all-white school. Ruby and five other students passed the exam. The six students were to be sent to two different all-white schools. The school district delayed their start and Ruby's first day of school was November 14, 1960
In 2018, a group of fifth graders in the South San Francisco Unified School District were so inspired by Ruby's courage that they advocated to make November 14th Ruby Bridges Day. With the help of the San Mateo County Office of Education, their dream became a reality. In September 2021, the California State Senate passed a resolution proclaiming November 14th as Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day! (San Mateo County Office of Education)
This year, we are joining school districts around the country in participating in this awesome event! Check in with your Safe Routes to School Coordinator for more information, if you have not heard about it from your school.

More Information
History and Resources
For more information and resources on Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day check out the San Mateo County Office of Education's website.