9th-12th Grade
Bike Safety & Learn to Ride
(updated 4/08/2020)
Learn to Ride
Learn to Ride Tip Sheet from Eugene Springfield Safe Routes to School (pdf)
Video "Learn How to Ride a Bicycle in 5 Minutes"
Article on Learn to Ride
Bike Safety
(created 4/03/2020)
Below are a list of videos about safely bicycling on streets and multi-use paths. Next to each video link is the length in minutes. Several activity descriptions are included to encourage students to practice specific skills after watching the videos.
Overview: Being Visible, Being Predictable, and Following the Rules of the Road
English version: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/bicyclesaferjourney/hs_en.html (5:03)
Spanish version: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/bicyclesaferjourney/hs_sp.html (6:00)
(videos by the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration)
Accompanying this video is a written discussion guide about the topics covered.
Fitting a Bike Helmet
https://vimeo.com/400350250 (1:38)
(video by Bike New York)
Note: This video mentions the New York state law that requires children under 13 to wear a helmet. In Oregon, youth under 16 must wear a helmet while biking.
Activity: If you have a bike helmet, put it on and make all of the correct adjustments. The helmet should fit snugly on your head but shouldn’t be so tight that it hurts. Also, make sure that your helmet is made up of hard foam on the inside. Some skateboard helmets do not have this hard foam.
Fitting Your Bike
https://vimeo.com/399968133 (1:58)
(video by Bike New York)
Checking Your Bike
https://vimeo.com/398939435 (2:20)
(video by Bike New York)
Activity: If you have access to a bicycle, check the tires, brakes, chain, crank, and quick releases to make sure everything looks and feels right. See if you can find the recommended amount of air pressure for your tires. Look on the side of the tire for words that say something like “INFLATE TO 50-80 PSI” (pounds per square inch). Inflate the tires to the proper amount and oil the chain. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to ride.
Starting and Stopping Your Bike
https://bikeleague.org/content/starting-and-stopping (1:30)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)
Activity: Practice starting your bike using the power pedal position and practice coming to a smooth controlled stop. If you have two hand brake levers, make sure you use them both at the same time. Using only the front brake, which is the left hand brake lever on most bikes, can cause you to flip over the front of the bike!
Steering and Turning Well
https://bikeleague.org/content/steering (1:19)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)
Using Hand Signals
https://bikeleague.org/content/signaling (1:18)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)
Activity #1: Practice the three hand signals. Practice riding in a straight line and using your hand signals. If you’re getting ready to stop or to turn, be sure to put both hands back on the handlebars before you do.
Activity #2: If you have a bike, practice riding in a straight line and looking behind you for a second or two. Most of the time, it makes sense to look over your left shoulder. If you can control the bike with just your right hand on the handlebars, put your left hand on your left hip. This will help you twist your upper body more and see better behind you.
Changing Lanes in Traffic
https://bikeleague.org/content/lane-changing-0 (1:03)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)
Activity: If you have a bike, practice changing lanes safely from right to left. While riding, look behind you over your left shoulder (“shoulder check”), use a left turn signal, and move to the next lane over on your left. The process is similar for moving around parked cars and other obstacles. Do a shoulder check, left turn signal, then move to the left.
Where to Position Yourself in the Lane and at Intersections
https://bikeleague.org/content/intersection-positioning (1:44)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)
More about Lane Positioning and Traffic Laws
https://bikeleague.org/content/traffic-laws (1:35)
(video by the League of American Bicyclists)