Summer Safety Tips
Summer is here and everyone will be looking to get outside, go places and have fun. Remember these safety reminders when traveling to ensure that you, your children and the community stay safe.
Help teach your children as pedestrians to:
Understand safety signs and traffic signals
Pay attention to their surroundings and stay free of distractions when walking
look left and right before crossing and only cross at intersections or crosswalks
Make eye contact with drivers before stepping in front of them
If possible, walk with other people
Help teach your children as cyclists to:
Always wear a helmet
Learn traffic laws
Use arm signals to indicate turns and stopping
Be visible to vehicles with light colored clothing, reflectors and lights
Remember to have fun and practice walking and cycling this summer!
As Drivers:​
Stay alert
Obey all laws
Be predictable
Don't be distracted
Yield the right of way to pedestrians